WahARoa is an interactive experience across both real and digital spaces. The work explores ideas about our ever increasing relationship with digital technology, especially Maori adopting/adapting to new technologies to create. The work is a digital waharoa, first exhibited as part of Sculpture on the Gulf 2022, and again at Boon Public Art Trail in 2024.
WahARoa makes reference to various atua relating to digital technologies. Screen culture has always been the window into the digital world - a way for us to see and interact with digital assets. New and emergent technologies such as AR enable us to bring both worlds together - a way of seeing the non-physical. WahARoa then, overlays a digital waharoa within the real world to show a potential past, or potential future, whilst connecting to the atua of te ao Maori. These atua are Te Uira, Tānemahuta, Hine Te Iwaiwa, Māui and Rongomaraeroa. These atua form a potential whakapapa that connects us to aspects of digital culture and digital technologies.
To see wahARoa in augmented reality - click here